Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Hanger Project

Many of you might not know that Jack's surgery was led by a Cranio-Facial Suregon (a pediatric plastic surgeon.) When we sit in Dr. Genecov's office, we meet children who have all kinds of facial deformities.

Kerre and I have talked about how we used to steer clear of someone with a deformity when saw them in public. Not because we wanted to shun them, but because we didn't really know what to say. We sitting in that office, we have learned what to say. You say the same thing that you would say to a child without a facial deformity!

Because this is often considered "cosmetic" surgery, insurance at best is a sticky issue and Kerre and I have become involved with The World Craniofacial Foundation. (You might remember the Egyptian twins that were seperated a while back.)

So, if you are inclined here is an idea for Christmas for some of your loved ones.

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